To streamline both the depth of our underwriting expertise, and service to our broker partners; our commercial business is organized into eight segments, which you’ll find represented in the product tiles below. These segments are: Construction, Contractors, Commercial Realty, Residential Realty & Condominiums (Strata), Hospitality, Transportation, Recreation & Resorts, Professional Services, Retail & Automotive Trades, Wholesale Distributors and Manufacturers.

We offer a complete package to satisfy all your customer’s needs and we can offer mono-line policies including Excess and Umbrella Liability.

To learn more about our commercial products, click a tile below.

Offering capacity up to $100M. No project is too big, or too small.

Residential Realty & Strata (Condo Corporations)

A comprehensive product with generous base limits and designed to be fully customizable. Perfect for stratas/condo corporations, apartments, and townhouses.

Commercial Realty

Our package is perfectly tailored to suit commercial real estate risks such as office buildings, retail buildings, industrial buildings, and commercial condominiums.

Professional Services

Offering a coverage for a broad range of classes, Cansure provides coverage for E&O, D&O, medical malpractices, CGL, A&E, Tech/Media, and more.


We’re proud to be a go-to supplier of choice for commercial and industrial contractors, offering comprehensive packaged policies.

Retail & Automotive Trades

Offering packaged coverage for retailers and automotive trades including mechanics and body shops; our policy wordings have been drafted with breadth of coverage and one-stop placement in mind.

Manufacturing & Wholesale

With the ability to place up to 100% USA sales and high limit policies in Liability, we are here to help.

Restaurants, Hotels & Bars

Known as a market-leading supplier for the Hospitality industry, Cansure offers coverage for all sizes and types of hospitality risk with high capacity, limits, and liquor ratio available


Our package includes industry-leading policy forms and tailored coverage extensions for transportation.

Commercial Marine

Facilities for a wide range of commercial marine risks providing coverage for Hull, Protection & Indemnity, Property & Liability.

Recreation & Resorts

Your best in class provider for a broad range of classes. We can cover tennis clubs, climbing gyms to kayak and bike tours! Click here to learn more.


Offering coverage for cannabis retailers.


Offering coverage for Terrorism, Group Accident, Cyber Legal Expense, Pollution Liability, Crime, and more.

Commercial Earthquake Deductible Buydown

CEQBD offers a strategic solution for commercial property owners in British Columbia, allowing them to reduce their earthquake deductibles to as low as 5%. Open to all commercial occupancies, whether insuring a building or not, CEQBD provides coverage limits up to $100 million, including options for up to $4M in deductible buy-downs.